Research, Strategy & Design


Research support from ideation through to customer value.

Areas of Practice


qualitative research

It’s an inquiry process of understanding quality and nature of human experiences and what they mean to the individual. The research builds a complex, holistic picture, analyses words, reports detailed views of informants, and conducts the study in a natural setting and from that we translate needs, concerns and inform solutions.

Accessibility and usability

Digital exclusion is a critical topic because digital is a medium that can and should reach all people regardless of physical, mental or financial disposition. Our population is living longer, our market segments are becoming more specialised. Accessibility and usability are the most basic requirements to any successful service or product as a human right.

quantitative research

Quantitative research helps to translate needs into metrics that can be a baseline to help measure progress. Design problems are examples of wicked problems or a level of complexity where the solving one problem doesn’t necessarily solve the whole and quantitative research helps to identify and compare values.

team building

We have learned over the years that responding instead of reacting is critical. Product delivery can bring out the best in people who all want to see a company succeed and their hard work rewarded. Whether you are working agile, waterfall, face to face or remote it comes down to supporting teams and individuals grow and succeed.

We are an advocate of mentoring and building relationships with higher education institutions to support and mentor design talent. Students need real skills and they actively and enthusiastically solve real problems while helping teams practice empathy and collaboration with everyone regardless of their title or role.

Prototyping and design

Transforming an idea into a visual and interactive solution is very powerful. This is a critical light step where no code has been created and enables changes with much less cost and far less time. It is critical in getting as much right or even abandoning an idea before too much time, money or resources are invested.

jr programme support

Data is a critical building block to achieving insights that drive value. A natural aspect of research in the delivery of digital products is that it doesn’t lend itself to stakeholders who are looking longer term and this is a missed opportunity owing to delivery priorities. As a result companies often have fragmented qual and quant data that change from person, project and priority. Establishing meaningful data points, collecting data consistently and analysing increasingly rich and complex qualitative data needs strong tools like Python, GA 360, Firebrand.